NRNP 6531 week 2 iHuman Case Study (72 y/o male with Skin Moles)
NRNP 6531 week 2 iHuman Case Study (72 y/o male with Skin Moles)
The patient is a 72-year-old white retired male farmer with an 80-pack-year former smoking history who presents with a dark brown, asymmetric, and irregularly bordered skin lesion that he noticed a few months ago which now gets caught on his clothing. He denies other concerning lesions, purulent discharge, bleeding, weight loss, night sweats, or fever. Physical exam reveals stable vitals, Fitzpatrick II skin type, multiple freckles, and a 4 mm dark brown, dull, waxy, scaly, asymmetric, and irregularly bordered skin lesion on the right shoulder. Dermatoscopy shows fissures, ridges, and comedo-like openings.
Key Features
- Patient history-taking questions
- Physical examination
- Differential diagnosis
- Assessment techniques
- Case management plan
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