Daisie Blankenship iHuman Case Study (25 y/o with a rash)


Daisie Blankenship iHuman Case Study (25 y/o with a rash) – The patient is a 25-year-old otherwise healthy female and presents with 2 days of intense pruritic erythematous papular rash on the inner thighs and left inner forearm. Recent exposures include hiking through the woods, hot tub use, new lotion use, and ingesting scallops for the first time in her life. Physical examination shows a 6 cm set of linear, circumscribed, erythematous blisters on the left inner forearm and a 10 x 12 cm scattered contagious erythematous papular rash with surrounding superficial excoriations on the inner thighs. 

Vitals and the remaining physical examination are unremarkable.

Key Features
  • Patient history taking questions
  • Physical examination
  • Differential Diagnosis
  • Assessment techniques
  • Case management plan

Differential diagnosis: Contact dermatitis/ Alt: Urticaria


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Daisie Blankenship iHuman Case Study (25 y/o with a rash)