Miah Zavarro iHuman Case Study (21-month-old female with swollen hands and feet)


Miah Zavarro iHuman Case Study (21-month-old female with swollen hands and feet) – The patient is a 21-month-old girl who presents with a two-day history of progressive, painful, swelling in the left hand and the right food with dactylitis, occurring one week after a URI. Se now refuses to bear weight or use her hands. The physical exam is also significant for scleral icterus, splenomegaly, and flow murmur. She has had similar but milder, self-resolving episodes in the past for which she was not seen by a doctor. As the patient is an adoptee from Haiti, no family or birth history is available.

Differential diagnosis: Sickle cell anaemia/ALT: Psoriatic Arthritis, Septic arthritis, Juvenile Rheumatoid Arthritis, or Reactive arthritis


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Miah Zavarro iHuman case studyMiah Zavarro iHuman Case Study (21-month-old female with swollen hands and feet)